"Well, when is it going to be done? We voted on this so long ago! In came in at how much over budget?"
I can hear the board room shouting now.

Working with government contracts can be overwhelming - especially for the department administrators. Sometimes you're bound to the lowest bid - and this can start things off on the wrong foot.
But no matter the circumstances - the worst feeling is not being in communication with the company who's been hired.
Here's what you can expect when you work with Crown Roofing Services:
Detailed Documentation - Not only are we passionate about roofs, we understand the importance of documenting the before and after images for your record keeping. We'll take images before, during, and after the work is done. Chances are - this might be the only time you open the roof to see what going on inside.
Clean Job Site - While we like working on empty buildings, we understand that you can't just close the doors to your buildings. Not only will we tidy up the job site at the end of each day - we are committed to leaving the workspace better than we found it. Simple things like running our magnet across the ground to look for wondering roofing nails or screws can mean a big difference to your community.
Prioritizing Communication - Whether the job will take one day or multiple days, we will send you a brief report at the end of the day with an overview of the work done vs the work remaining. We are happy to email, call, or text these reports to you as the department administrator. We will also give you a job site Point Of Contact while we're working. This is the direct path for you to ask questions or get answers.
Detailed Presentation - When we're done, we'll give you a custom, detailed presentation. You can use this presentation at your next committee, board, or budget meeting.

Want to see what our presentation looks like? Take a peek here:
Have more questions? Please contact us for more information.